Young people

Young people

Young persons' tickets

1/2 price fares on local buses5 - 15 years old can travel on our city, BROOKESbus and park&ride buses for half the standard price.
CityZone (18 and under)

CityZone is an affordable and convenient way of travelling around Oxford on our buses. 18 and under passes are available for as little as £13 a week.

View more CityZone details

CityZone EXTRA


Travelling from Abingdon or Wootton? CityZone Extra is the best value ticket for regular travellers. Adult passes can be purchased on the key or our app. 18 and under passes are available only on the app.

View more CityZone Extra details

SmartZone (18 and under)


Travel on any Oxford Bus, Thames Travel or Stagecoach bus within SmartZone. 18 and under week passes are available for £14.25.

View more SmartZone details
the airline (5 - 15)5 - 15 years old are entitled to discounted fares when using our airline service to Heathrow and Gatwick airports.

Student tickets (Thames Travel network)

To purchase a school bus pass, please visit our website here.

 Weekly13 weeksAll 3 termsTerm 1Term 2Term 3


Access to all of our routes south of Oxford.


Didcot Schools Inner

(Valid on services between Didcot and Steventon, Milton, Milton Heights, Sutton Courtenay and Harwell)

Route BB1A--£685£275£220£220

35A tickets

Please note that our normal range of tickets are not valid on the 35A service for travel to and from Kennington, and children wishing to use the service must have one of our cityzone + 35A term or annual passes to access the service. For price information and to purchase your ticket please visit our ticketing website. Children from South Hinksey wishing to use the service will have their tickets provided by Oxfordshire County Council.