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Service - 8. Destination - Oxford City Centre. Departure time - 04:57. Departure 1 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford City Centre04:57 -
Service - 8. Destination - Oxford City Centre. Departure time - 05:12. Departure 2 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford City Centre05:12 -
Service - X3. Destination - JR, City & Abingdon. Departure time - 05:20. Departure 3 of 9. Scheduled.
X3JR, City & Abingdon05:20 -
Service - 8. Destination - Oxford. Departure time - 05:26. Departure 4 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford05:26 -
Service - 8. Destination - Oxford. Departure time - 05:36. Departure 5 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford05:36 -
Service - X3. Destination - JR, City & Abingdon. Departure time - 05:40. Departure 6 of 9. Scheduled.
X3JR, City & Abingdon05:40 -
Service - 8. Destination - Oxford City Centre. Departure time - 05:47. Departure 7 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford City Centre05:47 -
Service - 8. Destination - Oxford. Departure time - 05:56. Departure 8 of 9. Scheduled.
8Oxford05:56 -
Service - X3. Destination - JR, City & Abingdon. Departure time - 06:00. Departure 9 of 9. Scheduled.
X3JR, City & Abingdon06:00